WARNING! Soppy Sentimental Gobbledygook WARNING!
OK so I have been feeling a bit deep and thoughtful of late so I though I would share a bit of it with you, that and I want to shout out about an amazing person that I am proud to call one of my good friends. Camille you are amazing I cannot thank you enough for what you have done this post is inspired by you. (I know you will take the piss for this but I have to share)
It is said that you cannot judge someone purely by the actions that they take in life but by the people that they choose to have around them. I heard a really bad birthday speech not so long ago it was a crazy Dutch man (I’m not sure if he was actually crazy but that accent makes me believe that they all are) giving the speech about his wife, it was all very boring and long except one small snippet he said, “show me your friends and I will tell you who you are” this completely took me and as some of you know I am very good at over analysing things so this needed some serious thinking.
All through the course of our lives we meet people all of which has an interesting story of how we met them, O I was with so and so and then our dog ran into so and so and then we became friends blah blah blah or we were at so and so house for a fancy dress party and I could have sworn that I knew Dracula from someplace and then we got talking and then we realised that we knew each others brothers uncles step goldfish and then we sat for hours talking about old family reunions and then we became good friends blah blah blah or .... Well I think you get the idea, any way where was I, so we meet people, yea.
What ever you believe in whether it is destiny or the supernatural or some underlying cosmic current (or crazy Indian men) people come into our lives for a reason, some people stay for such a short time while others are around for a while and then if you are lucky there are some that stay with you forever. Each one of these people are just as important as the other, they are all in our lives for a purpose, and they have all come into our lives at a time when we need them, whether we know it or not.
I am sure you have all done this at a time of sadness or despair but I want you all to look at your lives but most importantly I want you to look at the people you had around you at those times, True friends are a rarity and should be cherished but also they should be thanked, friendship has an amazing strength it can bridge any gap and heal any hurt, this post is my way of saying thank you to all of my friends you may not know it and there are probably times when I did not know it but you have all changed the person I am some will never read this blog but for those of you who do thank you,
There is one thing that has the power to break not only you but any friendship that you may forge and that is the lack of forgiveness, people do and say things that ultimately hurt us promises get broken and bridges get burned but if we cannot forgive these people then we fail to see the reason they were in our lives, friends do come and go but it is the time in the middle that is important not the reason they have left, they have left because either you or them have served there purpose and they are one of those friends that is just meant to be around for a short time.
Now I have spread the wisdom I am going back to the top of my mountain where I will grow a beard and if any of you want some more wisdom you have to come and find me
Mucho love to every single one of you
The wise roaming Kat aka troubled forehead
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
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